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Acorn Childcare UK - Summer Playscheme

Playscheme Dates:

23rd July - 22nd August 2025

1st - 2nd September 2025

We are closed on Bank Holidays.

All request forms must be submitted before:

11th July 2025

Bookings are taken on a first come first served basis.

Payment must be made to secure the booking and is non-refundable

Bookings will not be accepted if your Acorn account is in arrears

Childs DOB
School Year:

Sessions & Fees:

Per Session:

Full Day (8am - 6pm) £32

Half Day (8am-1pm/1pm- 6pm) £24

School Day (8.45am - 3.30pm) £28

Per Week:

Full Day (8am - 6pm) £145

Half Day (8am - 1pm/1pm - 6pm) £105

School Day (8.45am - 3.30pm) £125

Please make your session selections for the days that correspond with the Playscheme Dates on the summer timetable form and attach here or return via email or in person via the office.


* You have given permission for Acorn Childcare UK to call for emergency assistance to take you child directly to hospital (escorted by an Acorn staff member) should an emergency situation require such action

* You have given Acorn Childcare permission to administer Sun-Cream Protection (Factor 25+) to your child when deemed necessary. This permission should be withdrawn, in writing, if any medical reason are known or (for older children) if you would rather your child administer their own

* You have given permission for Acorn Childcare to take your child off the premises, under supervision, for activities, walks etc.

Sickness - In the interest of all children, should your child become infectious with one of the normal childhood diseases (including diarrhoea/vomiting), please contact Acorn Childcare to discuss a safe return period.

Collection - Late collection charges are made if children are not collected from the premises by the end of the booked session, at a rate of £10.00 per 15 minutes or part thereof

Food - Breakfast and tea will be provided, please bring a packed lunch (no nuts). Payments to Acorn Childcare:-

* You are responsible for payment of fees to Acorn Childcare - fees are published in advance by Acorn Childcare and are subject to change annually.

* Fees must always be paid at the time of booking. Full fees are payable in the event of absence due to sickness.

* Please note that bookings will not be accepted if your Acorn account is in arrears.


The signatures that appear on this contract are those which will be recognised by Acorn Childcare as having full parental responsibility for the child named overleaf. All persons with full parental responsibility should sign this contract.

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